Saskatchewan Shorthorns Heading

In Memory

Rolly Bateman

Gerald Alexander

Gerald Alexander

Glenn Bender

Glenn Bender

Josh Lehmann

Josh Lehmann

Charlie Campbell passed away in his sleep on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.

He was predeceased by his parents Allen and Harriet Campbell; his wife Marjorie and his brothers Jock and Ken.  Charlie is remembered by his brothers Ron (Donna) Campbell of Moose Jaw, Russ (Vicky) Campbell of Quill Lake and sister Eleanor (Dennis) Weber of Kelowna, BC.

Charlie was born on December 9, 1928 at Lumsden, SK on the family farm called Maple Grove, now South Plain Farm.  That farm is now over 100 years old.  He was the eldest of six children.  He attended Forest Rural School, took grade nine by correspondence and then attended Lumsden High School.

From an early age Charlie wanted to be a farmer, following in his grandfather’s and father’s footsteps.  His grandfather built the sturdy farm brick house in 1890 on the home quarter on the cusp of Lumsden and Pense municipalities.  The house still stands on the same site today.

As a teenager, Charlie joined the calf club and had his first experience feeding cattle.  In 1951, Charlie and his father picked out a cow and calf for $400 and that began Charlie’s dream of being in the purebred Shorthorn cattle business.  Over the years his herd grew and so did his interest in the Shorthorn breed.  Charlie had a great knowledge about farming and cattle.  He received prizes and accolades at Regina Agribition: from beef carcass prizes, placing steers in the top 10 and having a grand champion bull in 1988.  In 2001, Charlie and Marjorie received the Legend Breed Award from the Canadian Shorthorn Association.

Charlie met his wife Marjorie Jordan at a square dance in Regina and they married in 1970.  Marjorie was in the Air Force Reserve and later an office manager for Rainsoft in Regina.  She worked alongside Charlie on the farm.  Marjorie passed away in 2018.

Charlie has always enjoyed music.  He taught himself to play guitar and banjo and played with a group of friends at dances and other occasions.  He also sang with the St. Andrew Church Choir.

Charlie entered into an agreement with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in order to use the easement to protect some of his land in perpetuity.  He was very proud to be part of NCC.

Charlie lost most of his hearing in the 1970s, related, as he says “to the old John Deere tractor” he drove.  Reading lips and using a white board became his means of communication.

Due to health issues in 2016, Charlie resided in Grey Birch Care Home, Regina Beach and then in Santa Maria, Regina where he resided until his death.  The family is very grateful for the excellent care he received at these homes.


We have recently heard that Charlie Campbell, Lumsden, SK has passed away at age 93 years.  Charlie’s herd, South Plain Shorthorns was well known for many years.  He was one of the first breeders to introduce Polled Shorthorns into his herd.  He also collected more carcass data on his herd than most anyone else in any breed, in Canada.  Charlie had a strong work ethic and the farm he lived his entire life on, and his herd of Shorthorn cattle, were very special to him.  After his retirement, he made arrangements to leave a large portion of his farm to the Nature Conservatory of Canada so that it remain a place where nature would be preserved forever.  Grant Alexander

On behalf of the Saskatchewan Shorthorn Association and members, we offer our deepest condolences to the Nault family on the sudden and all too soon in life passing of Devan.

Devan served on the Saskatchewan Shorthorn board for many years and was also a very deserving recipient of the Saskatchewan Shorthorn Commercial Cattleman award early in its inception.  Devan had a great passion for the Shorthorn Purebred and Crossbreds and willingly shared it with anyone he visited with.

His love of the cattle was surpassed only by his love of his wife and children and that special little grandbaby Presley Devan.  A fine man missed more than words can say.  Rest in peace Devan, your chores here are done.

Devan Nault

It is with profound sadness that the family of Devan Eric Nault of Beacon Hill, SK announces his unexpected passing on Saturday, June 6, 2020 at the age of 53 years.

Devan will be forever remembered and loved by his wife of 34 years: Vicki Nault of Beacon Hill, SK; two daughters: Chylla Nault of Olds, AB, Hayleigh Nault (Josh Hirschfeld) of Loon Lake, SK; granddaughter: Presley Devan Hirschfeld; brother: Troy (Colleen) Nault of Pierceland, SK; sister: Sharmin (Rob) Hislop of Edmonton, AB; parents: Eric & Oriole Nault of Cold Lake, AB; two nieces: Skyler & Kinley.

Memorial tributes in memory of Devan may be sent to STARS Air Ambulance, 1441 Aviation Park NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8M7 or online to: